Resources Bibliography [Howard Hodgkin]. McLellan Galleries, Glasgow, 1990. [Howard Hodgkin]. Jan Kesner Gallery, Los Angeles, 1990. [Howard Hodgkin]. Ganz Gallery, Cambridg 1990 [Howard Hodgkin]. McLellan Galleries, Glasgow, 1990. [Howard Hodgkin]. Jan Kesner Gallery, Los Angeles, 1990. [Howard Hodgkin]. Ganz Gallery, Cambridge, 1990. Howard Hodgkin (14 works illustrated). Michael Werner, Cologne, 18 Sept. – 15 Oct. 1990; 56p, 23 illus (14 col.); exhibs.; texts by Wilfried Dickhoff, “Like an open book”/”Wie ein offense Buch”, pp.4-9, & Timothy Hyman, Making a riddle out of the solution/Die Losung zum Ratsel machen, pp.10-25 (parallel English/German text); repr. as Howard Hodgkin: the carnal presence of emotion in Wilfried Dickhoff: After Nihilism: essays on contemporary art, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp.60-63. Howard Hodgkin (14 works illustrated). M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 6 Nov. – 1 Dec. 1990; 44p, 22 illus (14 col.); exhibs., bibl.; texts by Wilfried Dickhoff, “Like an open book”, pp.4-6, & Timothy Hyman, Making a riddle out of the solution, pp.7-13. Howard Hodgkin: small paintings 1975-1989 (27 works). Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nantes, 15 June – 15 Sept. 1990; travelling to Centre Cultural de la Fundació Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona, 1 Oct. – 18 Nov. 1990; Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, 8 Dec. 1990 – 24 Feb. 1991; Douglas Hyde Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin, Mar. – May 1991; organised by British Council; 96p, 40 illus (35 col.); biog., exhibs., bibl.; texts by Henry-Claude Cousseau, Hodgkin: inalienable painting, pp.6-8, Timothy Hyman, Howard Hodgkin: making a riddle out of the solution, pp.9-15, & Deepak Ananth, Hodgkin’s poetics, pp.81-84; ISBN: 0863551076. Howard Hodgkin: graphic work: fourteen hand-coloured lithographs and etchings 1977-1987. Lumley Cazalet Ltd., London, 21 June – 20 July 1990; 31p, 14 col. Illus.; biog., exhibs.; introd. by John Russell, pp.2-3. Howard Hodgkin: petits formats 1975-1989 (27 works). Centre Cultural de la Fundació Caixa de Pensions, Barcelona, 1 Oct. – 18 Nov. 1990; organised by The British Council; previously in Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nantes, 15 June – 15 Sept. 1990; travelling to Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, 8 Dec. 1990 – 24 Feb. 1991; Douglas Hyde Gallery, Trinity College, Dublin, Apr. – May 1991; 119p, 40 illus (33 col.); biog., exhibs., bibl.; texts by Henry-Claude Cousseau, Hodgkin, la pintura inalienable, pp.6-8 (Catalan translation pp.101-102; English translation pp.111-112), Timothy Hyman, Howard Hodgkin: fer de la solució un enigma, pp.9-15 (Catalan translation pp.103-106, English original pp.113—116), Francisco Calvo Serraller, L’emoció i l’ordre, pp.81-85 (Spanish translation pp.106-109, English translation pp.116-119); ISBN: 8476642830. Share ⊶ Twitter Facebook