Resources Bibliography John McEwen: ‘A letter from London’, in Arts Canada, May-June 1977, vol.34 no.2, pp.31-32. Richard Cork: ‘The fresh emerges which may help to ch 1977 John McEwen: ‘A letter from London’, in Arts Canada, May-June 1977, vol.34 no.2, pp.31-32. Richard Cork: ‘The fresh emerges which may help to change British art …’, in The Guardian, 20 July 1977, p.10. Norbert Lynton, Francis Golding, Paul Overy: ‘How newspaper critics paint art’, in The Guardian, 23 July 1977, p.6. William Feaver: ‘Full house’, in The Observer, 24 July 1977, p.24. Michael Shepherd: ‘The better half’, in Sunday Telegraph, 24 July 1977, p.14. Edward Lucie-Smith: ‘Squeaks from the South Bank’, in Evening Standard, 28 July 1977, p.16. John McEwen: ‘Hardy annual’ [review of Hayward exhib.], in The Spectator, 30 July 1977, vol.239 no.7778, p.28. Marina Vaizey: ‘The best of British’, in Sunday Times, 31 July 1977, p.39. Malcolm Quantrill: ‘London letter’ [incl. review of Tate exhib.], in Art International, July – Aug. 1977, vol.21 no.4, pp.68-72 (ref. p.69). Frances Spalding, Janey Daley: ‘Hayward Annual part II: two views’ [reviews of exhib.], in Arts Review, 5 Aug. 1977, vol.29 no.16, pp.508-509. Tim Hilton: ‘South Bank-ruptcy’ [review of Hayward exhib.], in Times Literary Supplement, 5 Aug. 1977, no.3934, p.960. Richard Shone: ‘Gallery: painting and performance’ [incl. review of Hayward exhib.], in Architectural Review, Sept. 1977, vol.162 no.967, pp.184-186 (ref. p.184). James Faure Walker: ‘Ways of disclosing: mapping the Hayward Annual’ [review of exhib.], in Artscribe, Sept. 1977, no.8, pp.20-26. Bruce Bernard: ‘Personalities of British painting’, in Sunday Times Magazine, 4 Sept. 1977, pp.34-41. John Russell: ‘Tenacity keeps British art alive’, in The New York Times, 25 Sept. 1977, p.D33. Noel Frackman: ‘Howard Hodgkin / Stanley Boxer [et al.]’ [incl. review of New York exhib.], in Arts Magazine, Nov. 1977, vol.52 no.3, p.29. Donald B. Kuspit: ‘Howard Hodgkin at Emmerich’ [review of exhib.], in Art in America, Nov.-Dec. 1977, vol.65 no.6, pp.134-135. Leo Rubinfein: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of New York exhib.], in Artforum, Dec. 1977, vol.16, p.68. ‘Emmerich in Zürich: Hodgkin und Hockney’, in Basler Zeitung, 31 Dec. 1977, vol.30 no.327. Share ⊶ Twitter Facebook