Resources Bibliography London, the new scope. Arthur Tooth & Sons, London, 1964. Figuratie en Defiguratie. Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent, 1964; travelling to Musée 1964 London, the new scope. Arthur Tooth & Sons, London, 1964. Figuratie en Defiguratie. Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent, 1964; travelling to Musée des Beaux Arts, Brussels. Profile III: Englische Kunst der Gegenwart [selected by] Sir Herbert Read, Roland Penrose (3 works; 1 illus.). Stadtische Kunstgalerie Bochum, 19 Apr. – 7 June 1964. Britische Malerei der Gegenwart (3 works; 1 illus.). Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen Düsseldorf, 24 May – 5 July 1964; travelling to Stuttgart; Haus am Waldsee, Berlin, 30 Oct. – 5 Dec. 1964; & Bremen. Nieuwe realisten (1 work, illus.). Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, 24 June – 30 Aug. 1964. New painting 61-64 (1 work, illus.). Arts Council of Great Britain, [11 July – 24 Oct. 1964]. The new image (2 works). Arts Council Gallery, Belfast, [Sept.] 1964. ICA screen-print project (1 work, illus.). Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 10 – 28 Nov. 1964. Neue Realisten & Pop Art (1 work). Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 20 Nov. 1964 – 3 Jan. 1965. ICA picture fair. Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 2 – 16 Dec. 1964. Share ⊶ Twitter Facebook