Resources Bibliography Mark Haworth-Booth: ‘Salon and workshop’ [review of Oxford exhib.], in Times Literary Supplement, 19 Mar. 1976, no.3862, p.318. William Feaver: 1976 Mark Haworth-Booth: ‘Salon and workshop’ [review of Oxford exhib.], in Times Literary Supplement, 19 Mar. 1976, no.3862, p.318. William Feaver: ‘Hodgkin’s intelligence tests’ [review of Oxford exxhib.], in The Observer, 21 Mar. 1976, p.30. William Packer: ‘Keith Vaughan and Howard Hodgkin’ [incl. review of Oxford exhib.], in Financial Times, 30 Mar. 1976, p.3. Paul Overy: ‘Josef Albers: round and round the square’ [incl. review of Oxford exhib.], in The Times, 30 Mar. 1976, p.14. Lynda Morris: ‘Hodgkin and Caulfield’ [incl. review of Oxford exhib.], in The Listener, 1 Apr. 1976, vol.95 no.2451, p.417. Marina Vaizey: ‘Kaleidoscopes’ [incl. review of Oxford exhib.], in Sunday Times, 4 Apr. 1976, p.39. James Burr: ‘Round the galleries: bold banalities’ [review of Serpentine exhib.], in Apollo, May. 1976, vol.103 no.171, p.444. Bryan Robertson: ‘Art’ [incl. review of Serpentine & Waddington exhibs.], in Harpers & Queen, May 1976, p.76. William Feaver: ‘Arte Milanese’ [incl. review of Oxford exhib.], in Vogue (UK), May 1976, vol.133 no.7 (no.2130), p.16. William Feaver: ‘Over and out’, in Observer, 9 May 1976, p.27. Paul Overy: ‘Moores the pity: time to change the rules?’ [review of Liverpool exhib.], in The Times, 11 May 1976, p.13. Jane Clifford: ‘Exhibition shows patrons generosity’, in Daily Telegraph, 13 May 1976, p.6. Harold Osborne: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of Serpentine exhib.], in Arts Review, 14 May 1976, vol.28 no.10, p.239. John McEwen: ‘Winning’ [incl. review of Waddington, Serpentine & Liverpool exhibs.], in The Spectator, 15 May 1976, vol.236 no.7716, p.29. Richard Cork: ‘Every blob counts!’ [review of Serpentine exhib.], in Evening Standard, 20 May 1976; repr. as ‘Howard Hodgkin’ in Richard Cork: Everything seemed possible: art in the 1970s’, New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 2003, pp.221-224. Marina Vaizey: ‘British understatement’, in Sunday Times, 23 May 1976, p.35. Caroline Tisdall: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of Serpentine exhib.], in The Guardian, 27 May 1976. Barbara Wright: ‘John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 10’, in Arts Review, 28 May 1976, vol.28 no.11, p.264. Richard Morphet: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of Oxford exhib.], in Studio International, May/June 1976, vol.191 no.981, p.297. Bernard Denvir & Lavinia Learmont: ‘London’ [review of Serpentine exhib.], in Art and Artists, June 1976, vol.11 no.3, pp.40-41. Fenella Crichton: ‘London letter’, in Art International, Summer 1976, vol.20 no.6, p.14. Jasia Reichardt: ‘Howard Hodgkin and portraiture’ [review of Newcastle exhib.], in Architectural Design, July 1976, vol.46 no.7, p.444. John McEwen: ‘Howard Hodgkin at the Serpentine Gallery’ [review of London exhib.], in Art in America, July/Aug. 1976, vol.64 no.4, pp.110, 113. Toni del Renzio: ‘Pop’, in Art and Artists, Aug. 1976, vol.11 no.5, pp.14-19 (ref. pp.18-19). William Feaver: ‘The view from Europe: England: Involvement, assiduity and an openness of mind’, in Art News, Oct. 1976, vol.75 no.8, pp.33-35. Share ⊶ Twitter Facebook