Notes: From the series ‘Venetian Views’. Printed from the same set of five plates as the other three ‘Venetian Views’. See also, Venice, Morning PR93, Venice, Evening PR95, Venice, Night PR96. Proofed by Jack Shirreff. Printed by Jack Shirreff, assisted by Andrew Smith and David Sully at the 107 Workshop, Wiltshire. Hand coloured by Jack Shirreff. Published by Alan Cristea Gallery, London, 1995.

Venice, Afternoon
63 x 77 3/8", 160 x 196.5cm
Lift-ground etching and aquatint from three copper plates from two aluminium plates printed in: 1. red ochre and apricot yellow, with borders in yellow and varying tones of these colours using a base medium; 2. red ochre and apricot yellow with various tones of these colours; 3. nasturtium orange and primavere yellow; 4. varying tones of red ochre with a relief-roll of white; 5. red ochre, raw Sienna, nasturtium orange and apricot yellow. With hand colouring in cadmium yellow acrylic for the borders, over painted in selected areas with mars yellow acrylic. Dots are made with phthalo blue-green acrylic, using a large amount of pigment. On 16 sheets of torn Velin Arches blanc (300 gsm).