Essays, articles and books. 1959 – present.
Howard Hodgkin. BBC Radio 4 (Desert Island Discs), 27 Nov. & 2 Dec. 1994; interviewed by Sue Lawley.
[Howard Hodgkin]. Dimock Gallery, The George Washington University, Washington (DC), 1994.
William Feaver: ‘Anthony d’Offay, London, exhibit’ [review of d’Offay exhib.], in Art News, vol.93, p.73. Richard Shone: ‘London and New York: Howard Hodgkin’ [review of Knoedler exhib.], in Burlington Magazine, Jan. 1994, vol.136 no.1090, pp.45-46. Jeffrey Kastner: ‘Anthony d’Offay Gallery, London’ [review of d’Offay exhib.], in Flash Art, Jan./Feb. 1994, vol.27 no.174, p.103. Eric Gibson: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of Knoedler exhib.], in The New Criterion, Mar.1994, vol.12, pp.41-42. Lilly Wei: ‘Howard Hodgkin’s mandarin pastimes’ [review of d’Offay & Knoedler exhibs.], in Art in America, Apr. 1994, vol.82, pp.92-97. Naves Mario: ‘The British invasion of New York’ [incl. review of Knoedler exhib.], in New Art Examiner, May 1994, vol.21, pp.33-35. Jon Stock: ‘Jewels in his crown’ [interview on the occasion of British Museum exhib.], in Daily Telegraph, 25 May 1994, p.19. Richard Dorment: ‘Bump and grind of Indian art’ [review of British Museum exhib.], in Daily Telegraph, 25 May 1994, p.19. Iain Gale: ‘Small is beautiful’ [review of British Museum exhib.], in The Independent, 26 May 1994, pp.10-11. Sheila Canby: ‘New Mughal and Deccani paintings in the Howard Hodgkin collection’ {review of British Museum exhib.], in Apollo, June 1994, vol. 139 no.338, pp.61-62. A. Bellerio: ‘India: antiche miniature e dipinti’ [review of Verona exhib.], in F.M.R., June 1994, no.86, pp.8-10. ‘Howard’s way’, in Harper’s & Queen, July 1994, p.20. Andrew Graham-Dixon: ‘The way it was’, in World of Interiors, July 1994, pp.86-89. Marco Livingstone: ‘Howard’s way’, in Vogue (UK), July 1994, p.26. Sue Hubbard: ‘Brief history of paint’ [review of Serpentine exhib.], in The New Statesman and Society, 1 July 1994, vol.7 no.309 (vol.123 no.4191), pp.32-33. A.S. Byatt: ‘The colour of feeling’ [review of Graham-Dixon monograph], in The Independent on Sunday, 10 July 1994, pp.30-31. Andrew Billen: ‘The Life interview’, in The Observer, Life, 10 July 1994, pp.10-14. Andrew Graham-Dixon: ‘Remembrance of things past’ [reprint of ch.2 of Graham-Dixon monograph], in The Independent, 19 July 1994, section II p.23. Julian Bell: ‘The great unpretender: stripes, splodges, stipples and waves: the indescribable splendours of Howard Hodgkin’ [review of Graham-Dixon monograph], in Times Literary Supplement, 22 July 1994, no.4764, p.16. Marina Vaizey: ‘Passion for the physical’ [incl. review of Graham-Dixon monograph], in The Times, 28 July 1994, p.41. Nancy Princenthal: ‘Prints & photographs published’, in The Print Collector’s Newsletter, July – Aug. 1995, vol.36 no.3, pp.103-112 (ref. pp.104-105). David Sylvester: ‘An artist whose métier is black and white’ [review of Graham-Dixon monograph], in Daily Telegraph, 6 Aug. 1994, p.6. NR {= Nan Rosenthal]: ‘Howard Hodgkin: “When did we go to Morocco?”’, in The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Fall 1994, vol.52 no.2 (‘Recent acquisitions: a selection: 1993-1994’), p.78. Alan Ross: ‘Painted memoirs’ [review of Graham-Dixon monograph), in London Magazine, Oct. – Dec. 1994, vol.34 nos.7/8, pp.138-139. Andrew Motion: ‘Once more with feeling’ [review of Graham-Dixon monograph], in Modern Painters, Winter 1994, vol.7 no.4, pp.83-85. Jim Lewis: ‘Howard Hodgkin’, in Harper’s Bazaar, Dec. 1994, pp.182-187.
Arts Section: Entertainment UK: Howard Hodgkin. ITV (Arts Section), 26, 28 & 30 Oct. 1993; dir.Fiona Adam, prod. Elaine Gallagher. Howard Hodgkin. BBC2 (The Late Show), 26 & 30 Oct. 1993; dir. Bernadette O’Brien. Howard Hodgkin. BBC Radio 3 (Nightwaves), 28 Oct. 1993; interview with Christopher Cook.
Howard Hodgkin (24 works illustrated). Anthony d’Offay Gallery, London, 19 Oct. – 24 Nov. 1993; traveling to Knoedler & Company, New York, 4 Dec. 1993 – 15 Jan. 1994; biog., exhibs.; selection of introductory texts, pp.9-12; interview with Anthony Peattie, A conversation with Howard Hodgkin, pp.63-70; ISBN: 0947564500.
John Russell: ‘In New Delhi, pursued by an enormous tree’, in The New York Times, 28 Mar. 1993, p.33. Heidi Burklin: ‘Howard Hodgkin: Glut von Bordeaux auf der Zunge’, in Art: das Kunstmagazin, July 1993, no.7, pp.18-24. Nancy Princenthal: ‘Prints & photographs published’, in The Print Collector’s Newsletter, July – Aug. 1993, vol.24 no.3, pp.107-111 (ref. pp.108-109). Tom Lubbock: ‘Howard Hodgkin: for me’, in Modern Painters, Autumn 1993, vol.6 no.3, pp.34-37. Paul Levy: ‘What’s new from Freud and Hodgkin’, in The Wall Street Journal, 18 Sept. 1993. Edward Lucie-Smith: ‘In profile: Howard Hodgkin’ [interview, on occasion of d’Offay exhib.], in Art Review, Oct. 1993, vol.45, pp.4-6. John McEwen: ‘Colour too deep for comfort’, in Sunday Telegraph, 10 Oct. 1993, Review p.6. Andrew Graham-Dixon: ‘Truants of the memory’, in The Independent Magazine, 16 Oct. 1993, pp.38-43, 45. Laurence Marks: ‘Every one on board’ [interview], in The Observer, 17 Oct. 1993, Arts section p.8. John Russell Taylor: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of d’Offay exhib.], in The Times, 22 Oct. 1993, p.35. Esther Harris: ‘Artspeak’ [letter in response to review in 16 Oct. 1993 issue], in The Independent Magazine, 23 Oct. 1993. Michael Champion: ‘Pretentious – nous?’ [letter in response to review in 16 Oct. 1993 issue], in The Independent Magazine, 23 Oct. 1993. James Hall: ‘Souvenirs of life’ [review of d’Offay exhib.], in The Guardian, 25 Oct. 1993, pp.4, 6. Brian Sewell: ‘The mark of a lesser spotted leopard’ [incl. review of d’Offay exhib.], in Evening Standard, 28 Oct. 1993, pp.28-29; repr. as ‘Howard Hodgkin’ in The reviews that caused the rumpus, and other pieces. London: Bloomsbury, 1994; pp.284-286; repr. in An alphabet of villains. London: Bloomsbury, 1995; pp.107-109. Giles Smith: ‘”A stripe is a stripe, a splodge is a splodge”’ [interview], in The Independent, Weekend, 30 Oct. 1993, p.52. Tim Hilton: ‘Obscure objects of desire’ [review of d’Offay exhib.], in The Independent on Sunday, 31 Oct. 1993, p.35. Celia Lyttelton: ‘Howard’s way’ [revew of d’Offay exhib.], in The Tatler, Nov. 1993, p.24. Richard Cork: ‘Painting from memory’ [review of d’Offay exhib.], in The Times, 2 Nov. 1993, p.41. Daniel Farson: ‘Knight errant’ [incl. review of d’Offay exhib.], in The Mail on Sunday Review, 7 Nov. 1993, p.34. David Lillington: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of d’Offay exhib.], in Time Out, 17-24 Nov. 1993, p.40. Martin Filler: ‘Howard Hodgkin is tired of being a minor artist’, in The New YorkTimes, 5 Dec. 1993, p.43.
The Sixties art scene in London (3 works; 1 illus. in col.). Barbican Art Gallery, London, 11 Mar. – 13 June 1993; text by David Mellor; publ. Phaidon Press, London, 1993.
[Howard Hodgkin]. Kerlin Gallery, London, 1992. Howard Hodgkin: prints (c.30 works) . Hachmeister Galerie, Münster, Mar. – Apr. 1992. Howard Hodgkin: seven small pictures. The British School in Rome, 31 Mar. – 1 May 1992, organized by The British Council; folded card, 4p, & 2p. typescript; text by John McEwen..
H R Crane & Steven Vita: ‘Interview’, in Veery (Chicago: The Foxglove Company), 1992, no.2, pp.1-2. Raimund Stecker: ‘Venezianische Emotionen – Howard Hodgkin, ein nicht nur englischer Maler’, in Die Kunst-Bulletin, Jan. 1992, no.1, pp.19-25. Heather Guthrie: ‘Focus on the artist’, in Eastern Daily Press, 3 Feb. 1992. Barbara MacAdam: ‘Speaking of the unspeakable’ [review of book ‘The way we live now’], in Art News, Mar. 1992, vol.91 no.3, p.20. Zoe Heller: ‘Howard’s way’, in Harper’s & Queen, Apr. 1992, pp.152-156. Maggie Parham: ‘Art for AIDS sake’ [review of book ‘The way we live now’], in Evening Standard Magazine, 8 May 1992, pp.76-77. David Lee: ‘BBC billboard project’, in Arts Review, July 1992, vol.44, pp.234-235. Andrew Graham-Dixon: ‘Sudden shafts of reality’ [on HH’s collection of Indian art], in The Independent, 27 Oct. 1992, p.14. Frances Spalding: ‘An interview with Howard Hodgkin’ [about Margery Fry & her house in Holland Park], in The Charleston Magazine, Winter 1992 – Spring 1993, no.6, pp.26-33. Ulrich Wiesner: ‘Report from Europe: new catalogues’ [incl. review of monograph by Topsfield & Beach], in Oriental Art, Winter 1992/3, vol.38 no.4, pp.269-272 (ref. pp.269-271).
Ready steady go: painting of the Sixties from the Arts Council Collection. South Bank Centre touring exhibition, 21 Jan. – 23 Feb. 1992; travelling to Stockport, Wakefield, Burnley, Ipswich, Coventry, Nottingham, Wrexham, Swansea, Dudley & Bath (to Oct. 1993). The poetic trace: aspects of British abstraction since 1945 (1 work; illus. in col.). Adelson Galleries, New York, 12 May – 30 June 1992. A benefit reception and exhibition of centennial prints in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth. Charles Cowles Gallery, New York, 1992. Singular and plural, recent accessions, drawings and prints: 1945 to 1991. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1992. Life into paint: British figurative painting in the 20th century (3 works; 1 illus. in col.). Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Nov. 1992 – Feb. 1993; organised with British Council; text by Bruce Chatwin, p.47.
[Howard Hodgkin]. Brooke Alexander Editions, New York, 1991. [Howard Hodgkin]. Waddington Graphics, London, 1991. [Howard Hodgkin]. Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, 1991. [Howard Hodgkin]. Castlefield Gallery, Manchester, 1991. Howard Hodgkin (24 works). Ikeda & Lokker, London, 1991; 51p, 24 col illus.; biog., exhibs.; introd. & catalogue by Yoko Ikeda & Raymond Lokker (parallel English/Japanese text). ‘The way we live now’ [HH’s hand-coloured etchings and working proofs for the limited edition publication]. Karsten Schubert Gallery, London, 27 Mar. – 20 Apr. 1991 (no catalogue). [Howard Hodgkin: small format work]. Matrix, University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley (CA), 25 Sept. – 16 Dec. 1991.
Tom Lubbock: ‘Howard Hodgkin: small paintings 1975-89’ [review of British Council exhib.], in Alba, Jan. – Feb. 1991, p.29. Robert G. Edelman: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of Knoedler exhib.], in Art News, Feb. 1991, vol.90 no.2, p.134. Robert C. Morgan: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of Knoedler exhib.], in Arts Magazine, Feb. 1991, vol.65 no.6, p.78. Andrew Graham-Dixon: ‘Heavy rain’, in The Independent Magazine, 16 Feb. 1991, pp.36-37. Geordie Greig: ‘The fine art of healing’, in Sunday Times Magazine, 10 Mar. 1991, pp.42-46. Aidan Dunne: ‘The Howard way to make a breadboard sensual’, in The Sunday Tribune, 31 Mar. 1991, p.22. Rosemary Simmons: ‘Master-class: Howard Hodgkin: new hand-coloured prints’, in Printmaking Today, Spring 1991, no.2, pp.1, 7-8. Brian Fallon: ‘The colour of saying’, in The Irish Times, 2 Apr. 1991, p.8. Marina Vaizey: ‘A map of the modern’ [incl. review of Waddington exhib.], in Sunday Times, 7 Apr. 1991. ‘Where they eat’ [HH’s choice of restaurants], in Time Out, 17-24 Apr. 1991, p.36. Cathy Courtenay: ‘Artist’s books: ‘The way we live now’’ [review of artist’s book], in Art Monthly, May 1991, no.146, p.27. Geoffrey Newman: ‘Rain man’, in Times Higher Education Supplement, 2 Aug. 1991. Robert Hughes: ‘Aftershock of the new’, in The Observer Magazine, 25 Aug. 1991, pp.22-25. James Hall: ‘The essence of Paris’, in The Independent Magazine, 31 Aug. 1991, pp.42-45. John Pollex: ‘Altered forms’, in Ceramic Review, Nov. – Dec. 1991, no.132, pp.16-21.