[Howard Hodgkin: prints]. Waddington Galleries, London, 1980. [Howard Hodgkin: prints]. Bernard Jacobson, New York, 1980.
William Feaver: ‘The state of British art: “It’s a bewilderment”’, in Art News, Jan. 1980, vol.79 no.1, pp.62-68 (ref. p.67). Adrian Searle: ‘London’ [incl. review of Bristol exhib.], in Artforum, Jan. 1980, vol.18 no.5, pp.76-77. ‘Prints & photographs published’, in The Print Collector’s Newsletter, Jan. – Feb. 1980, vol.10 no.6, pp.196, 201-203 (ref. p.201). Roger Berthoud: ‘Howard Hodgkin behind the enemy lines’, in The Times, 17 Apr. 1980, p.11. Marina Vaizey: [incl. review of Waddington exhib.], in Sunday Times, 27 Apr. 1980, p.40. Fenella Crichton: ‘London’ [incl. review of Waddington exhib.], in Art and Artists, June 1980, vol.15 no.2, pp.40-43. John Russell Taylor: ‘Temperament vividly revealed in abstract’ [incl. review of Hayward exhib.], in The Times, 2 Sept. 1980, p.7. John McEwen: ‘Pastiches’ [ibncl. review of Hayward exhib.], in The Spectator, 13 Sept. 1980, vol.245 no.7940, pp.27-28. William Feaver: ‘The Liverpool lottery’ [review of Liverpool exhib.], in The Observer, 30 Nov. 1980. John McEwen: ‘Provincial’ [review of Liverpool exhib.], in The Spectator, 6 Dec. 1980, vol.245 no.7952, p.27. Roman Piechocinski: ‘John Moores Liverpool Exhibition XII’ [review], in Arts Alive Merseyside, Dec. 1980 – Jan. 1981, p.4.
Works of the early 60s. M Knoedler Gallery, London, 1979. To-day: Brittiskt 60- och 70-tal (3 works). Lunds Konsthall, 7 Apr. – 6 May 1979. European dialogue: The Third Biennale of Sydney (2 works). Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 14 Apr. – 27 May 1979. Contemporary art for 17 Charterhouse Street [Central Selling Organisation, De Beers Consolidated Mines; works selected by the Contemporary Art Society] (1 work; illus.). Mall Galleries, London, 21 – 25 May 1979. Narrative paintings: figurative art of two generations (1 work). Arnolfini, Bristol, 1 Sept. – 20 Oct. 1979; travelling to Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 26 Oct. – 25 Nov. 1979; City Museum and Art Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent, 5 Jan. – 2 Feb. 1980; Fruit Market Gallery, Edinburgh, 9 Feb. – 29 Mar. 1980; text by Timothy Hyman, ref. pp.7-8. This knot of life: paintings and drawings by British artists (3 works). L.A. Louver Gallery, Venice (CA), (part I:) 23 Oct. – 17 Nov. 1979. Peter Moores Liverpool Project 5: The craft of art (9 works). Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 3 Nov. 1979 – 13 Feb. 1980. The British art show: recent paintings and sculpture by 112 artists, selected by William Packer (2 works; 2 illus., 1 in col.). Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield, 1 Dec. 1979 – 27 Jan. 1980; travelling to Laing Art Gallery & Hatton Art Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, 15 Feb. – 23 Mar. 1980; Arnolfini Gallery & Royal West of England Academy, Bristol, 18 Apr. – 24 May 1980; organised by Arts Council of Great Britain.
The artist’s eye: an exhibition selected by Howard Hodgkin at the National Gallery (incl. 2 works by HH; illus.). National Gallery, London, 20 June – 19 Aug. 1979; introd. by HH, p.3; commentaries by HH on the 14 selected works; 24p, 16 illus.
‘News desk: The artist’s eye’, in Art and Antiques, 19 May 1979, vol.36, p.11. William Packer: ‘Hodgkin’s eye at the National Gallery’ [review of exhib.], in Financial Times, 23 June 1979, p.14. John Spurling: ‘Hangmen’ [incl. review of National Gallery exhib.], in New Statesman, 29 June 1979, vol.97 no.2519, pp.963-964. Noel Riley: ‘Highlights: Hodgkin’s eye’, in Antique Dealer and Collectors Guide, July 1979, p.63, Richard Shone: ‘Current and forthcoming exhibitions: London’ [review of National Gallery exhib.], in Burlington Magazine, July 1979, vol.121 no.916, pp.455-459 (ref. p.456). Emmanuel Cooper: ‘A personal choice’ [review of National Gallery exhib.], in Morning Star, 2 July 1979, p.4. Edward Lucie-Smith: ‘Getting it all together’ [review of National Gallery exhib.], in Evening Standard, 4 July 1979, p.32. Francis Watson: ‘London reviews: The artist’s eye’ [review of National Gallery exhib.], in Arts Review, 6 July 1979, vol.31, p.357. Waldemar Januszczak: ‘The artist’s eye’ [review of National Gallery exhib.], in The Guardian, 6 July 1979, p.8. John McEwen: ‘Artist’s eye’ [review of National Gallery exhib.], in The Spectator, 7 July 1979, vol.243 no.7877, p.25. Andrew McKenzie: ‘Painter’s view of his work’, in Sheffield Morning Telegraph, 10 July 1979, p.4. Louis Collis & Lavinia Learmont: ‘London’ [review of National Gallery exhib.], in Art and Artists, Aug. 1979, vol.14 no.4 (no.159), pp.42-48 (ref. p.42). Michael Shepherd: ‘Hodgkin’s eye’ [review of National Gallery exhib.], in What’s On in London, 10 Aug. 1979. Suzanne Boorsch: ‘New editions’, in Art News, Sept. 1979, vol.78 no.7, pp.42-43. William Feaver: ‘Loitering with deep intent’, in The Observer, 16 Sept. 1979, p.15. Glenn Sujo: ‘Narrative painting, 2: at Arnolfini’ [review of Bristol exhib.], in Art Monthly, Oct. 1979, no.30, pp.19-21. Fenella Crichton: ‘England: London’ [review of National Gallery exhib.], in Pantheon, Oct.-Dec. 1979, vol.37 no.4, p.326. Suzanne Muchnic: ‘British artists painting the town’, in Los Angeles Times, 9 Nov. 1979, section IV, pp.1, 10.
Mixed exhibition (3 works). Knoedler Gallery, London, Mar. 1978. Groups (HH’s name listed, but no works specified or illus.). Waddington and Tooth Galleries, London, 4 – 28 Apr. 1978. Critic’s choice: an exhibition of contemporary art selected by John McEwen (1 work). Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 7 Sept. – 7 Oct. 1978. Howard Hodgkin: hand-coloured lithographs; Alistair Crawford: paintings & etchings (4 works by HH). Ian Birksted Gallery, London, 25 Nov. – 14 Dec. 1978. John Moores Liverpool Exhibition XI (1 work). Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 30 Nov. 1978 – 25 Feb. 1979.
[Howard Hodgkin: Indian views: exhibition of prints]. British Council touring exhibition, in India, Malaysia & Columbia, 1978. Howard Hodgkin: prints. Riverside Studios, London, 4 – 29 Oct. 1978 (PV card).
Robert Chambers: ‘Why the art market nurtures its own star system’, in Financial Times, 12 May 1978. Tim Hilton: ‘Anthologist’ [review of ICA exhib.], in The Spectator, 16 Sept. 1978, vol.241 no.7837, p.25. Linda Lee Bolton: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [incl. review of Riverside exhib.], in Arts Review, 13 Oct. 1978, vol.30 no.20, p.551. Waldemar Januszczak: ‘A train that has run out of steam but refuses to stop for more coal’, in The Guardian, 29 Nov. 1978, p.12. John McEwen: ‘Four British painters’ [i.e. John Hoyland, John Walker, Stephen Buckley & HH], in Artforum, Dec. 1978, vol.17 no.4, pp.50-55. Timothy Hyman: ‘Howard Hodgkin interviewed by Timothy Hyman’, in Artscribe, Dec. 1978, no.15, pp.25-28. William Feaver: ‘A matter of ways and means’, in The Observer, 3 Dec. 1978. John McEwen: ‘Abstract prizes’ [incl. review of Liverpool exhib.], in The Spectator, 9 Dec. 1978, vol.241 no.7849, pp.36-37. William Packer: ‘Critics choice at the ICA’, in Financial Times, 16 Dec. 1978.
Hayward Annual: current British art selected by Michael Compton, Howard Hodgkin and William Turnbull (6 works in part 2; 4 illus.). Hayward Gallery, London, 25 May – 4 July 1977 (part one) & 20 July – 4 Sept. 1977 (part two). British artists of the Sixties, from the collections of the Tate Gallery (1 work). Tate Gallery, London, 1 June 1977 – . British painting 1952-1977 (2 works; illus.). Royal Academy of Arts, London, 24 Sept. – 20 Nov. 1977. [Howard Hodgkin & Stanley Boxer]. André Emmerich Gallery, New York, c.Nov. 1977.
Howard Hodgkin: complete prints (31 works). Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 12 June – 10 July 1977; 5p, 3 illus; exhibs.; introd. by Penelope Marcus. Howard Hodgkin: new paintings. André Emmerich Gallery, New York, 15 Sept. – 5 Oct. 1977. Howard Hodgkin: neue Bilder / new paintings. Galerie André Emmerich, Zürich, 2 Dec. 1977 – 7 Jan. 1978; 6p, 2 illus (1 col); biog., bibl.
John McEwen: ‘A letter from London’, in Arts Canada, May-June 1977, vol.34 no.2, pp.31-32. Richard Cork: ‘The fresh emerges which may help to change British art …’, in The Guardian, 20 July 1977, p.10. Norbert Lynton, Francis Golding, Paul Overy: ‘How newspaper critics paint art’, in The Guardian, 23 July 1977, p.6. William Feaver: ‘Full house’, in The Observer, 24 July 1977, p.24. Michael Shepherd: ‘The better half’, in Sunday Telegraph, 24 July 1977, p.14. Edward Lucie-Smith: ‘Squeaks from the South Bank’, in Evening Standard, 28 July 1977, p.16. John McEwen: ‘Hardy annual’ [review of Hayward exhib.], in The Spectator, 30 July 1977, vol.239 no.7778, p.28. Marina Vaizey: ‘The best of British’, in Sunday Times, 31 July 1977, p.39. Malcolm Quantrill: ‘London letter’ [incl. review of Tate exhib.], in Art International, July – Aug. 1977, vol.21 no.4, pp.68-72 (ref. p.69). Frances Spalding, Janey Daley: ‘Hayward Annual part II: two views’ [reviews of exhib.], in Arts Review, 5 Aug. 1977, vol.29 no.16, pp.508-509. Tim Hilton: ‘South Bank-ruptcy’ [review of Hayward exhib.], in Times Literary Supplement, 5 Aug. 1977, no.3934, p.960. Richard Shone: ‘Gallery: painting and performance’ [incl. review of Hayward exhib.], in Architectural Review, Sept. 1977, vol.162 no.967, pp.184-186 (ref. p.184). James Faure Walker: ‘Ways of disclosing: mapping the Hayward Annual’ [review of exhib.], in Artscribe, Sept. 1977, no.8, pp.20-26. Bruce Bernard: ‘Personalities of British painting’, in Sunday Times Magazine, 4 Sept. 1977, pp.34-41. John Russell: ‘Tenacity keeps British art alive’, in The New York Times, 25 Sept. 1977, p.D33. Noel Frackman: ‘Howard Hodgkin / Stanley Boxer [et al.]’ [incl. review of New York exhib.], in Arts Magazine, Nov. 1977, vol.52 no.3, p.29. Donald B. Kuspit: ‘Howard Hodgkin at Emmerich’ [review of exhib.], in Art in America, Nov.-Dec. 1977, vol.65 no.6, pp.134-135. Leo Rubinfein: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of New York exhib.], in Artforum, Dec. 1977, vol.16, p.68. ‘Emmerich in Zürich: Hodgkin und Hockney’, in Basler Zeitung, 31 Dec. 1977, vol.30 no.327.
Howard Hodgkin: Indian views: a
recorded talk on his paintings with Timothy Hyman. London: The Brirtish Council, 1976.