Some recent acquisitions. Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1983. The Granada Collection: recent British paintings and drawings (1 work; illus. in col.). Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, 15 Jan. – 26 Feb. 1983. Acquisition priorities: aspects of postwar painting in Europe. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 20 May – 4 Sept. 1983. Three little books about painting: 2: Movement (1 work; illus in col.). Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield, 19 Nov. – 18 Dec. 1983; Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle, 4 – 29 Jan. 1984; Bolton Museum and Art Gallery, 10 Mar. – 7 Apr. 1984; organised by Arts Council of Great Britain. Painting: Gregory Amenhoff, Howard Hodgkin, Melissa Miller, Katherine Porter, Joan Thorne, Susan Whynne. List Art Center, Brown University, Providence (RI), 3 – 30 Dec. 1983.

Ann Schoenfeld: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of New York exhib.], in Arts Magazine, Jan. 1983, vol.57 no.5, p.42. ‘Prints & photographs published’, in The Print Collector’s Newsletter, Jan. – Feb. 1983, vol.13 no.6, pp.216-220 (ref. p.218). John McEwen: ‘Howard Hodgkin: Indian leaves’ [review of Tate & Jacobson exhibs.], in Studio International, Jan.-Feb. 1983, vol.196 no.998, p.57. Ruth Bass: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of New York exhib.], in Art News, Feb. 1983, vol.82 no.2, p.146. Richard Armstrong: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of New York exhib.], in Artforum, Mar. 1983, vol.21 no.7, p.71. Robert Cran: ‘Hodgkin’s choice: an exhibition of Indian drawings’ [review of Hayward exhib.], in Art International, Sept. – Oct. 1983, vol.26 no.4, pp.27-28.

Indian drawing: an exhibition chosen by Howard Hodgkin (52 works). Hayward Gallery, London, 10 Feb. – 17 Apr. 1983; organised & publ. by Arts Council of Great Britain; travelling to Wolverhampton Art Gallery, 23 Apr. – 21 May 1983; Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry, 4 June – 10 July 1983; Bolton Museum and Art Gallery, 16 July – 20 Aug. 1983; Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield, 27 Aug. – 2 Oct. 1983; ix, [54]p, 53 illus (9 col); bibl.; texts by HH, Introduction to the exhibition, pp.v-vi, & Terence McInerney, Indian drawing, pp.vii-ix; catalogue entries initialed by HH (38 of the 52) & TM; ISBN: 0728703505.


Painting: American and European. L A Louver Gallery, Venice (CA), 1982. A private vision: contemporary art from the Graham Gund Collection (1 work; illus. in col.). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 9 Feb. – 4 Apr. 1982. Aspects of British art today (7 works; 6 illus., 3 in col.). Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, 27 Feb. – 11 Apr. 1982; Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts, Utsonomiya, 24 Apr. – 30 May 1982; National Museum of Art, Osaka, 12 June – 25 July 1982; Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo, 9 Sept. – 9 Oct. 1982; organised by British Council. Big prints: an Arts Council exhibition of prints by European and American artists (2 works; illus, 1 in col.). Southampton Art Gallery, 17 Apr. – 23 May 1982; Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, 29 May – 26 June 1982; Central Museum and Art Gallery, Dudley, 21 Aug. – 25 Sept. 1982; Cooper Gallery, Barnsley, 1 Jan. – 6 Feb. 1983; Wolverhampton Art Gallery, 12 Feb. – 19 Mar. 1983.

Howard Hodgkin: forty-five paintings 1949-1975. Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 14 Mar. – 18 Apr. 1982 (PV card). Howard Hodgkin: recent prints. Bernard Jacobson, London, 18 Sept. – 9 Oct. 1982 (no catalogue; PV card). Howard Hodgkin’s Indian leaves (15 works). Tate Gallery, London, 22 Sept. – 7 Nov. 1982; 16p, 4 col. Illus.; text by Michael Compton, Howard Hodgkin’s Indian leaves, pp.6-13; ISBN: 0905005880. Howard Hodgkin: recent paintings. M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 13 Nov. – 9 Dec. 1982.

‘The Harveys Collection’, in Arnolfini Review, Feb. 1982, p.8. Renate Puvogel: ’13 britische Künstler: eine Ausstellung über Malerei’ [incl. review of Aachen exhib.], in Das Kunstwerk, Apr. 1982, vol.35 no.2, pp.67-68. ‘Prints & photographs published’, in The Print Collector’s Newsletter, Mar. – Apr. 1982, vol.13 no.1, pp.21-25 (ref. p.22). William Feaver: ‘Aspects of British art today’ [review of Tokyo exhib.], in Flash Art, Summer 1982, vol.16 no.108, p.71. ‘Prints & photographs published’, in The Print Collector’s Newsletter, July – Aug. 1982, vol.13 no.3, pp.97-101 (ref. p.98). Roger Bevan: ‘Howard Hodgkin: Indian leaves’ [review of Tate exhib.], in Event, 22 Sept. 1982. Frances Spalding: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of Tate & Jacobson exhibs.], in Arts Review, 24 Sept. 1982, vol.34 no.20, p.484. William Feaver: ‘Leaves from India’ [incl. review of Tate exhib.], in The Observer, 26 Sept. 1982, p.32. Marina Vaizey: ‘The spirit of India’ [incl. review of Tate exhib.], in Sunday Times, 26 Sept. 1982, p.31. Leslie Geddes-Brown: ‘Painter of perfection: Leslie Geddes-Brown talks to Howard Hodgkin’, in Sunday Times, 26 Sept. 1982, p.31. John Russell Taylor: ‘Tradition remaining strong and rich’ [incl. review of Tate & Bernard Jacobson exhibs.], in The Times, 28 Sept. 1982, p.8. Richard Cork: ‘Fragments and figments’ [review of Tate exhib.], in The Standard, 14 Oct. 1982, p.23. Andrew Motion: ‘Illusions of freedom’ [review of Tate exhib. & of ‘Indian leaves’ book], in Times Literary Supplement, 22 Oct. 1982, no.4151, p.1160. Geeta Kapur: ‘Hodgkin’s Indian leaves’ [review of Tate exhib.], in Art Monthly, Nov. 1982, no.61, p.10. John Russell: ‘Art: works of Hodgkin displayed at Knoedler’s’ [review of New York exhib.], in The New York Times, 19 Nov. 1982, p.C28. Robert Hughes: ‘A peeper into Paradise’ [review of Knoedler exhib.], in Time, 29 Nov. 1982, p.88; repr. in Nothing if not critical: selected essays on art and artists, London: Collins Harvill, 1990, pp.281-285.

Howard Hodgkin: in conversation
with David Sylvester. Landseer / Arts
Council of Great Britain, 1982, 37 mins.; dir. Judy Marle, camera Nick Gifford;
broadcast on London Weekend Television, 1982; interview with David Sylvester
repr. in David Sylvester: London
recordings, London: Chatto & Windus, 2003, pp. ix, 88-115.


A new spirit in painting (5 works; illus, 2 in col.). Royal Academy of Arts, London, 15 Jan. – 18 Mar. 1981. Landscape: the printmaker’s view (1 work). Tate Gallery, London, May – June 1981. Alistair Smith: a personal selection (1 work). Ulster Museum, Belfast, 29 May – 23 Aug. 1981. Group show: Summer 1981. M. Knoedler & Co., New York, July – Aug. 1981. New concepts for a new art: Toyama now (3 works; illus, 1 in col.). Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, 5 July – 23 Sept. 1981. Prints by six British painters: Stephen Buckley, Robyn Denny, Howard Hodgkin, John Hoyland, Richard Smith, John Walker (8 works by HH). Tate Gallery, London, Nov. 1981 – Feb. 1982; text by Elizabeth Underhill; incl. list of all of HH’s editioned & published prints to date. 13 britische Künstler: eine Ausstellung über Malerei (4 works; 3 illus, 1 in col.). Neue Galerie – Sammlung Ludwig, Aachen, 5 Dec. 1981 – 16 Feb. 1982; travelling to Kunstverein Mannheim, 28 Feb. – 4 Apr. 1982; Kunstverein Braunschweig, 6 Aug. – 19 Sept. 1982. A mansion of many chambers: Beauty and other works: an Arts Council Collection exhibition of special purchases and loans selected by Dr. David Brown, Assistant Keeper of the Modern Collection at the Tate Gallery (1 work; illus.). [Cartwright Hall, Bradford, 12 Dec. 1981 – 17 Jan. 1982; Oldham Art Gallery, 24 Apr. – 29 May 1982; Gardner Centre Gallery, Brighton, 9 June – 7 July 1982; Minories, Colchester, 17 July – 22 Aug. 1982; Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield, 28 Aug. – 3 Oct. 1982; Worcester City Art Gallery, 20 Nov. 1982 – 1 Jan. 1983]; organised by Arts Council of Great Britain.

Howard Hodgkin (12 works). M. Knoedler & Co., New York, 25 Apr. – 12 May 1981; 24p, 14 illus (13 col); biog., exhibs., bibl.; text by Lawrence Gowing, Howard Hodgkin, pp.5-8.. Howard Hodgkin: recent prints (11 works). Melbourne University Art Gallery, 1 Dec. 1981 – 31 Mar. 1982; Tasmanian School of Arts, Hobart, Apr. – May 1982; Contemporary Art Society of Adelaide, 4 – 30 May 1982; Art Gallery of West Australia, Perth, 15 June – 20 July 1982; Newcastle Regional Gallery, 1 – 31 Aug. 1982; University of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane, Oct. – Dec. 1982; organised by University of Queensland Art Museum; 3p, 11 illus (1 col.); biog., exhibs., colls.; introd. by Stephen Rainbird. [Howard Hodgkin]. Macquarie Galleries, Sydney, 1981. [Howard Hodgkin: prints]. Bernard Jacobson, Los Angeles; travelling to Bernard Jacobson, London.

Richard Cork: ‘Audacious, outspoken: a spur for things to come’, in Evening Standard, 15 Jan. 1981, p.19. David Bindman: ‘The good old avant-garde’ [review of Royal Academy exhib.], in Times Literary Supplement, 23 Jan. 1981, no.4060, p.82. Bernard Levin: ‘Mammoth footprints seen in Piccadilly’ [review of Royal Academy exhib.], in The Times, 28 Jan. 1981, p.14. Richard Cork: ‘Report from London: ‘The artist’s eye’’, in Art in America, Feb. 1981, vol.69, pp.43-55 (ref. pp.44-45, 47). James Faure Walker: ‘Awkward moments’ [review of Royal Academy exhib.], in Artscribe, Feb. 1981, no.27, pp.12-15 (ref. p.12). Eunice de Souza: ‘Pursuing culture’, in Economic Times, 22 Feb. 1981, p.3. David Sweet: ‘The decline of composition’, in Artscribe, Mar. 1981, no.28, pp.18-23 (ref. p.23). Richard Shone: ‘London: A new spirit in painting at the Royal Academy’ [review of exhib.], in Burlington Magazine, Mar. 1981, vol.123 no.936, pp.182-185 (ref. pp.182, 185). Pat Gilmour: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [on HH’s prints], in The Print Collector’s Newsletter, Mar. – Apr. 1981, vol.12 no.1, pp.1-5. Palmer D. French: ‘Diluted abstractions: Richard Phipps, Howard Hodgkin’ [incl. review of San Francisco exhib.], in Artweek, 25 Apr. 1981, vol.12 no.16, p.8. William Feaver: ‘A ‘New spirit’ – or just a tired ghost?’ [review of Royal Academy exhib.], in Art News, May 1981, vol.80 no.5, pp.114-118 (ref. pp.115-116). Hilton Kramer: ‘Howard Hodgkin’, in The New York Times, 8 May 1981, p.C18. Roberta Smith: ‘Fresh paint?’ [review of Royal Academy exhib.], in Art in America, Summer 1981, vol.69 no.6, pp.70-79 (ref. pp.72-73, 77). Jesse Murry: ‘Reflections of Howard Hodgkin’s theatre of memory’, in Arts Magazine, June 1981, vol.55 no.10, pp.154-157. Edward Lucie-Smith: ‘Howard Hodgkin: the wild card in the post-modernist pack talks to Edward Lucie-Smith’, in Quarto, July 1981, no.19, pp.15-17. Ted Castle: ‘The paint dream’ [incl. review of Knoedler & Jacobson exhibs.], in Art Monthly, July/Aug. 1981, no.48, pp.11-13. Deborah C. Phillips: ‘New editions’ [review of Jacobson exhib.], in Art News, Sept. 1981, vol.80 no.7, p.161. Kathryn Howarth: ‘Howard Hodgkin at Knoedler’ [review of New York exhib.], in Art in America, Oct. 1981, vol.69 no.8, pp.145-146. Deborah C. Phillips: ‘Howard Hodgkin’ [review of New York exhib.], in Art News, Nov. 1981, vol.80 no.9, pp.200-202.

Conversations with artists:
Edward Lucie-Smith talke to Howard Hodgkin. BBC Radio 3, 1 Feb. 1981. Howard Hodgkin. London Weekend Television
(The South Bank Show), 29 Mar. 1981.


Pictures for an exhibition (1 work by HH selected by Peter Blake, & 1 work by Sickert selected by HH). Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 30 Mar. – 18 May 1980. Prints by Howard Hodgkin and Claes Oldenburg (11 works by HH). Waddington Galleries, London, 10 Apr. – 10 May 1980. Art anglais d’aujourd’hui: collection de la Tate Gallery, Londres (2 works; illus.). Musée Rath, Geneva, 4 July – 14 Sept. 1980. British art 1940-80: the Arts Council Collection (1 work). Hayward Gallery, London, 9 July – 10 Aug. 1980. Hayward Annual 1980: contemporary painting and sculpture, selected by John Hoyland (1 work; illus.). Hayward Gallery, London, 29 Aug. – 12 Oct. 1980; organised by Arts Council of Great Britain. John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 12 (1 work). Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 27 Nov. 1980 – 22 Feb. 1981.